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When you must Register for GST

GST is a 10% tax paid on most goods and services sold or consumed in Australia.

You must register for GST if you:

  • run a business or enterprise that has a turnover of $75,000 or more per year

  • run a not-for-profit organisation that has a turnover of $150,000 or more per year

  • are a taxi or ride-sourcing driver.

If you aren't registered for GST, check each month to see whether you've reached the registration turnover threshold, or are likely to reach it. If you do, you need to register for GST within 21 days.

If you are registered for GST you:

  • need to include GST in the price of your sales, unless they are GST-free or input-taxed

  • can claim credits for GST included in the price of goods and services you buy for your business or enterprise

  • can account for GST on either a cash or non-cash basis (the method you use will affect when you report and claim GST)

  • will need to lodge an activity statement to report and pay the GST you have collected and claim credits for the GST you have paid.

For more information on GST download the GST & BAS Guide here.

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